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Why is the Rose Centre updating its constitution?

The update ensures compliance with the new Incorporated Societies Act (2022), recent amendments to the Charities Act (2005) and Ministry of Education requirements that we currently are not entirely, fulfilling . It also clarifies procedures and aligns with our organisation's future needs.

What are the key changes in the proposed constitution?

Key changes include updated procedures for membership, officer roles, general meetings, Life (Special) Members' rights, and officer term limits, among others. See more on our proposed constitution page. 


Do these changes effect the Preschool? 

Great question! Yes is the short answer. Currently our Constitution treats the Preschool like a separate entity - it's not! The Community space, Theatre and Preschool are all in the Rose Centre Inc. waka.

Long answer is - The Ministry of Education and ECE mentors have highlighted this issue, noting that we are currently not in compliance with section 47 of the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008. The Life Member Agreement—in this case, the Preschool Whanau Group Supplementary Agreement—addresses this gap and establishes an MOE-compliant framework that works for the parents and caregivers of our preschool children. Since this is tied to a Preschool Policy, it must allow for bi-annual reviews to maintain compliance. You can review the proposed PWG Life Member agreement here.

How does the new constitution affect me as a member?

The new constitution enhances transparency, provides clearer guidelines, and ensures your voice is heard through voting processes and other participation avenues.

I see you have put in a geographic border for membership  - why?

Another great question and we're really glad you asked. The Devonport-Takapuna Local Board has committed resources to a "Resilient Community Development Strategy," which aims to 'bolster community spaces' and 'empower grassroots initiatives' by supporting local hubs. The Rose Centre is delighted to be recognised and designated as a 'Growth' Hub. In the last decade there has been a noticeable decline in local engagement with the Centre. Since 2022 we've been putting the mahi in to rectify this - but it is hard work!

While we encourage everyone from everywhere to participate in our activities, it’s important that those voting on our direction are the ones most closely connected to us and our community. You can read the DTLB plan here

Will officers still be elected, and for how long?

Yes, officers will continue to be elected by members. Each officer may serve a maximum of three consecutive 2-year terms to encourage fresh perspectives and succession planning.

When will the new constitution be voted on?

The proposed changes will be presented for a vote at the 2024 AGM


Do I have to be a member to vote:

Yes you do! Please register as a member by clicking here

Feedback Process and outcomes


PUBLIC FEEDBACK: Sep 26 – Oct 13


1. Invitation for feedback was made public by:  
•    Website – with link to Constitutional review website
•    Website -
•    Local newspaper – Devonport Flagstaff 4/10 – est reach 25,000
•    RC Subscriber Newsletter 29 September – reach 340
•    RC Members email 8th October
•    Facebook and Instagram posts and ads with links, 26 Sept, 12th Oct 
•    Feedback sessions:
o    Online by Zoom:  7pm, Tuesday 1st October
o    Online by Zoom: 7pm, Thursday 10th October 
o    In person: 7pm, Thursday 3rd Oct at Rose Centre
o    In person: 10am, Monday 7th October at Rose Centre



Q: What do you think of the proposed constitution
o    Very good - no changes required 45%
o    Very good - I propose 1 or 2 minor changes below 10%
o    Ok in principle - but it needs some changes (see below) 45%


Q: Please tick below feedback we have received that you agree with
o    7.5 Membership classes - Include Takapuna into the geographic border – 70%
o    7.5 Membership classes - there should be no geographic border – 30%
o    8.2 Number of Officers - the minimum number should be 5 – 70%
o    10.8 Members Motion - reduce time from 30 working days to 20 working days – 10%
o    Schedule A: 5.1 New Life Members- ADD new or additional LMs shall not limit or restrict BPS, CT, PWG original 1.2 + 1.3 rights 10%


Q: Additional feedback here please
o    In regards to feedback I  do not believe membership classes should be open to all of Auckland. Rose Centre is a community facility
o    Given the changes to the incorporated societies legislation and the loss of other community organisations in the Devonport/Takapuna area it is timely that one of the few dynamic organisations left servicing the local community is re-addressing its purpose and governance.
o    love if the rose centre could be more accessible to the local community, wider variety of events :)
o    As this is a local facility, it makes sense to have locals only make decisions about how it’s run.
o    I’m floored to read that there is no geographic area! This centre needs to be for locals.
o    The draft goes a long way to achieving the aim of re-defining the purpose of the society, its area of engagement geographically and its minimum structural requirements. I also believe that the draft exhibits sufficient flexibility to enable change to accommodate new challenges and to govern under the auspices of a strong governance structure.
o    3:2 who gets to decide who life members are 3.2d & 10.17  not enough word count to detail my questio" (reviewer was contacted by no response to request for further elaboration
o    Further to *GC* review which has been in discussion with CT Committee members, myself included I have a few more questions (reviewer was contacted by no response to request for further elaboration)
o    The new definition of special memberships is an appropriate acknowledgement of the Society’s historical engagement but at the same time is not a fetter on democratic principles. The Supplementary Agreements as proposed is unusual in some respects but the Board will have to ensure that in entering into these agreements the redefined purpose of the Society is closely adhered to. In that respect the importance of the Board and the quality of the membership of the Board becomes ever more important to an organisation like the Rose Centre Inc if it is to achieve its purpose.

o    I can’t find “BPS, CT, PWG original 1.2 + 1.3 rights” to be able to consider their revision sorry.
o    BPS should be involved in the board .  Parking? Productions?
o    CT should be part of all decisions regarding the theatre and Ct productions.
o    Change Life members to “Founding Members.” This name more accurately states the connection between the three legacy interests of CT, BPS and the Preschool Whanau, and the Rose Centre. Life membership should be retained as special class of ordinary membership for individuals who have rendered great service to the Rose Centre. Status of Founding Members should not be dependent on election.
o    A clear statement of CT’s position as Resident Theatre Company but one that is not dependent on obeying the constitution.


Preschool parents and caregivers were notified in September of upcoming proposed upcoming constitution changes. In particular Storypark posts and a letter was sent to all families, this included the draft Schedule A and the PWG Supplementary Agreement.  The Preschool Manager, RC Preschool Liaison, Aisla Evans (Preschool Mentor for ECE regulations) were the draftees of the agreement to ensure it aligned with MOE regulations. 4 sessions were made available to parents for engagement. Direct contact was limited, ph call contact was more substantial. Parents overall comprehend the changes and endorse. However engagement with this group will take time and effort from the board as the RC has not previously had a requirement for official and formal board/parent engagement.


Multiple conversations (face to face and via email) during 2024 have occurred.
BOT provided feedback, which has been incorporated in the Schedule A and feedback has been given endorsing the constitution and the new Schedule A. Currently we are in Supplementary Agreement discussions.


Company Theatre (CT) has the opportunity to nominate two representatives for automatic entry to the Rose Centre Board. In December 2023, the RC Board formed a Constitution Subcommittee to review and modernize the constitution. A formal discussion paper was shared with CT representatives in July, inviting feedback before the September General Meeting. An informal meeting was held in August. CT's comprehensive submission, including a full constitution review and proposed supplementary agreement, was received in October. Parry Legal and the RC Board integrated all items that kept with the  intent of the Board’s proposed constitution.


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