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Welcome to the Rose Centre 2024 Constitutional Review

Tēnā koutou katoa  - Welcome to our Rose Centre Constitutional review process.

The Rose Centre Board is committed to ensuring the Belmont, Bayswater and larger Devonport Peninsula has a thriving, engaged community centre. We are a registered charity and an incorporated society. New legislation has been put in place to modernise the rules governing incorporated societies. 

In May this year at a Special General Meeting the Members voted to update the Society’s constitution. Since then the Board has been reviewing our existing document, which needs improvement, to ensure the updated constitution aligns with multiple legislative requirements as well as being a clear, well-structured framework that promotes best governance practices, supports operational independence, reflects our whole community and will provide long-term sustainability for our organisation

This is a significant opportunity for us to ensure that our governing document reflects the values and needs of all our community as we move forward. Your feedback is essential in shaping a constitution that not only supports our current operations but also provides a strong foundation for future growth. By participating in this review, you contribute to the creation of a clear, inclusive, and effective framework that will guide our organization for years to come. We value your insights and encourage open discussion throughout this process.

Want to find out more?

Register for our face to face & online information sessions, located on the ENGAGE tab. Documents and information are under Proposed Constitution, Frequently Asked Questions and links to government info sheets like MBIE are on FAQs and to submit your feedback for initial review, go to the ENGAGE tab too. 

Vote at the AGM - Wednesday, 30th October 7pm.

The Board Proposed Constitution will be presented for voting at the Rose Centre 2024 AGM on Wednesday, 30th October at 7pm. We encourage everyone in our community to come along and be a part of something extraordinary in our neighbourhood. ​At Rose Centre, we're more than just a venue. We're a hub of inspiration and opportunity, where everyone - from our audiences, patrons, preschool children, staff, visitors, performers and our valued members - can leave with their kete full of resources and their wellbeing nurtured.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ngā mihi maioha

Rose Centre Board

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